Thursday, April 27, 2006

Random post about Nursing K

Post to help me remember ...

K (23 months) is still nursing at least twice a day and very occasionally 3 times a day. I wanted to nurse her for 2 years, and if she weaned tomorrow, I'd have no complaints because we're almost to that 2 year mark*! I don't think there is any chance of her deciding to wean tomorrow, but in this gig (the motherhood thing), you never say never 'cause stranger things have happened.

K didn't nurse that much tonight before bed. She was more interested in having me nurse her two stuffed ducks. (Last week I got to nurse her stuffed kitty.) She was so cute with the ducks. They were the Mommy and baby duck and they were happy to see each other is what she kept saying. Then she'd say (as the two ducks to each other), "Wuv you." She would also make kissing noises. So dang sweet.

Anyway, someday she'll wean. I don't want to rush her. I would like her to wean, but I also want her to feel ready. I still have terrible Mommy-guilt that I got pregnant when she was 6.5 months old and had to struggle a bit to make sure she got enough milk through a year. I think she/we did fine during that time, but I worried. You can read more about me nursing through the pregnancy here.

*I can't actually believe K is almost 2! I can't believe that 2 years ago I was waddling around pregnant as can be with my second babe. I really can't believe I have baby #3 now too!

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