Thursday, April 27, 2006

Go figure!

I went to work today and there is a lot of stuff for me to do. I am officially busy. They actually want me to do work! Who would have guessed. It's kind of a bummer though because we have a lot of other stuff happening right now and I could use the time to get things done on our new house (remodeling-wise). And I owe you an update on that too.

I have other posts half written and other things to share, so I'll just try to work fast. In the meantime, if you want to see the pictures of my 3 little girls that we got taken today leave me a comment and I'll send you the link! All 3! In one photo! Amazing! (And they are wearing the same outfit... All together now... Awwww!)


Mrs. CP said...

I do! I do! :-) I'll send you the last picture I have of my 3 together. I managed to get one shot in before N was off and running, D was crying and A's arms were tired from holding D. :-)

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see them! Impressive that you got all three together! I can send you Lauren's two year pics, too. I decided not to get Rachel at the same time since she had her pic taken at preschool. But, this summer we're going to do a family pic (and probably the two girls together) with a gift certificate we got for Christmas.