Thursday, April 13, 2006

Don't mess with Ms. T

The other night, Tuesday night / early Wednesday morning, Ms. T (7.5 months) was snoozing in the middle of our king size bed and she rolled over next to her daddy. She was laying on her back and she flung her right arm. She hit her daddy on the nose. Apparently she packs a good punch because he woke-up. I heard him say, "ouch," and I asked sleepily what was wrong. He said T hit him in the nose.

I tried not to wake up too much. I figured it couldn't be too bad because she's just a baby! A few moments later I heard him say, "It's bleeding." I still figured it couldn't be too bad and once again I tried to ignore it. Then he got up, and I heard him taking off the pillowcase and running water, and lots of kleenex being pulled from the box.

When I got up, I saw the blood all over his pillow... I saw the pile of bloody kleenex in the trash. I felt bad. It actually bled a lot. My poor husband.

He said she had just "punched" her ticket to her own crib.

Last night (Wednesday night) she started off in her crib, but around 12:45 she wanted to come snuggle with me and nurse. I was exhausted. She stayed in our bed the rest of the night, but he made sure to face away from her! He slept on his right side all night. Poor guy. He's not taking any chances.

Apparently Ms. T is one tough cookie! I think I'll try to teach her to say, "I pity the fool..." (hee hee.)

We've been joking that now we know who the "chosen one" is. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer reference.)

Poor guy! The dark side of co-sleeping.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hearing stuff like that just makes me happy we never went the co-sleeping route. My husband actually would love to have them in bed with us, so he could watch them sleep. Yeah, that's fine when you're awake! The only time I have broght a child in our bed is when they wake up just about a half hour earlier than normal, because I know they'll really raise a ruckus if I come in the room and then leave when it's almost morning. Hope your husband's nose has healed!