Friday, January 13, 2006

Migration Assistant Rocks!

If you use MacOS X, and you get a new machine, I highly recommend Migration Assistant to help you make the switch. I've always thought that getting a new computer is a fun, but very painful experience. (Indeed, much like the experience of giving birth--since this is a "mommy-blog," and since I have given birth 3 times, I can make that comparison.) However, with Migration Assistant, transitioning to my new Powerbook (no not the new new one that Apple just came out with, but a brand spanking new 12-inch Powerbook) has been a completely painless experience.

Apple totally got it right with Migration Assistant. I haven't had to move anything or reset anything. I plugged in a firewire cable to the old machine and the new machine and Migration Assistant did it all. Migration Assistant even moved all my cookies, preferences and passwords for all the web sites I frequent. I have always loved Apple. I love them even more now. I love love love love love them!

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