Saturday, January 14, 2006


N's party was cancelled due to illness.... She and her sister K (20 months) are sick. I feel awful! No, I'm not sick. It's not physical. I feel bad for canceling the party. Yesterday, N was coming down with a cold. Last night she was saying that she was too sick for her party and too sick for presents. This morning, she's a sniffling, sneezing, coughing mess. My favorite is when she wipes the snot up her face (lovely image huh?).

I'm not sure where K and N got this to both get sick at the same time (maybe gymnastics on Tuesday, but they are in different classes, but maybe they both touched the same thing with germs on it?). At least with both of them having it at the same time, I don't have to wait for one of them to catch it from the other. (Always looking at the good side of things--that's me.)

Anyway, when N first got up this morning she said she wanted her party. Now, fortunately for my guilt, she says she is "a lot sick" and doesn't want her party. Whew! I was feeling so guilty canceling it, but if she doesn't feel like a party then I don't have to feel guilty!

I knew that I wouldn't send her to a birthday party being this sick, but since it was her own, I hated to deny her. But now I'm not denying her since she doesn't even want it. (Oh the mental games we have to play to make ourselves feel better as Moms.) We just gave her a new video for her birthday so she has some new entertainment during her illness.

I'm going to go sit next to my sniffling, sneezing, coughing little girl. K is napping upstairs... or was... just as I typed that she started yelling for me. Duty calls.

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