Monday, January 09, 2006

K is easier than N except when she's not.

A tautological title. Ooooh an alliteration.

In general, K (20 months) is easier than N (4!). K is usually more mellow, listens better (even though she is younger), is less stubborn, and is easier on toys and the knees of her pants. However, K has one trick up her sleeve and when she pulls it out we think N is easier. It is the trump card of all trump cards. K will occasionally scream so hard that she makes herself throw up. When she gets into one of these moods there isn't anything we can do to stop it. It doesn't matter whether I hold her; put her down; or offer candy or other bribes... She just gets so upset that she throws up. It can happen in a matter of seconds. It's happened about 5 or 6 times in the last 6 or 7 months.

It's so gross. I haven't figured out if she feels sick to start with and then cries and then throws up or if she just gets so upset that she screams so hard that she makes herself throw up. I think it's the latter. She was a very spit-uppy baby, N never was, and the doctor just said K's spitting up was a just a " laundry problem." As she started eating solids the spitting up went away, but sometimes she would take too big of a bite of food and end up gagging and throwing up. That went away as she learned to judge bites of food and the size of her mouth. Now it's when she's upset she throws up.

To further support why I don't think she's feeling sick first, but rather just an "upset thing," one time, we were just playing and everything was fine. Then she fell, hit her mouth pretty hard, and she started to scream and threw up--all in about the span of 20 seconds. I spoke to the doctor about this issue. Apparently it's not uncommon. It's just yucky though. The doctor said most kids outgrow it by the time they are about 4. Great. Only 2 years and 4 months to go, but who's counting?

So the reason for this entry was that K worked herself up into a frenzy last night and threw up. It was all over her just after her bath, and all over the carpet in her room. N was still in the tub and T was needing to be held. Good times. It was a frantic and smelly 15 minutes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, Ugh! Yuck!

Lily is easier than Sam, too, in lots of ways. Plus, she doesn't do THAT--an unrecognized bonus!