Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Oh my!

I am alone with all 3 and there is a full moon. Back up arrives in 1.5 hours. It's actually been a nice time being alone with all 3. I've been alone since 3 pm (3.5 hours thus far) and all is ok. Much better than the first time. Only one small meltdown (and it wasn't me). It is getting easier to have all 3 and I'm learning some new tricks. T's getting a little more regular with naps and it's a bit more predictable in general.

One trick I've learned is to feed them dinner earlier rather than later. I used to try to do dinner between 6 and 7. K (19 months) just got too hungry though. Dinner between 5 and 6 goes much more smoothly.

Trick two is to do as much running around and interaction with them as possible when the baby is asleep. Then when the baby wakes up we do calmer activities.

Trick 3 is to keep switching activities and locations. We usually do the same activity for 10-15 minutes at a time. We play upstairs in their room for 15 minutes, then we go downstairs, then we go back upstairs, then we color, then we blow bubbles, then we play chase... It's all about keeping them active and interested.... So how am I blogging this? The two older ones just begged me for a video and I agreed (trick 4).

I feel like I am constantly juggling the kids when I'm alone with all 3. I'm always holding one, and sometimes I'm holding all 3.

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