Monday, December 19, 2005

Mommy, Mommy, Mommmmmmeeeee

That's what's coming through the monitor from N and K's room. Miss K (19 months) isn't asleep yet. Normally she's asleep before 9. I went to my dance class and then ran to T*arget for some last minute Holiday shopping.... She didn't want to go to bed 'cause I wasn't home. I think she's overly tired now. I'm overly tired too.

I was home with them today with no nanny. The nanny has a cold. We don't want the cold. She didn't get it from us. I would like to make it through the Holiday with out illness. Last year, on Christmas, N had a bad cold. She was so miserable that she wanted to take breaks from opening presents. She just wanted her nose to feel better. Poor little girl. You know a 3 year old feels bad when she doesn't want to open presents!

Anyway, today, I was alone with all 3 for 6 hours. That's the longest I've ever been alone with all 3 of them at once. It was fun and they were very good, but I have a report due on Wednesday for work. I'm tired. I really enjoyed hanging with the girls and if I didn't have a report due I wouldn't have any worries. I learned that it's actually easier to take them out than to just hang out at home. T was in the bjorn, and N & K were in the side-by-side double stroller. I got lots of, "My, you have your hands full!" comments. Ummm, yup, and you are wasting my time as you state the obvious....

Boy, I sound all pissy.... I'm very frustrated.... In addition to normally having a nanny on Monday, I also usually have a different nanny on Tuesdays... (we have 2 half-time ones) but I switched with the person I share the other nanny with so that she could have the nanny tomorrow (Tuesday)... Our other nanny, the sick one, said she would do tomorrow (Tuesday) when I agreed to switch, but now she's sick...........Now I'm stuck with no nanny and a ton of work.

People always ask, "How do you do it all?" I don't do it all... I certainly don't do it all alone. I have help. Right now I don't have help. I'm frustrated... I could take care of my 3 little girls by myself if I didn't work, but I do work and therefore, I need help. I like my work. I think working is good for me and for them. I think it's important for them to see me working and accomplished. I went to school forever and I found a job I love. A job where I can work 1/2 time. A job where I can not be too overwhelmed most of the time. A job that I feel is meaningful and that allows me to do interesting work.

Okay... I'm rambling... I should go work on that report. It's not going to write itself. (This happened to me last Christmas too. I had a big report to finish and no nanny... Fortunately, this report is not as high stakes as that one was. That one had to get done and sent off. If this one doesn't get done by Wednesday it won't be the end of the world. I need to call my supervisor tomorrow and talk with him about it. I mostly hate it when I can't meet deadlines I've set for myself. I actually asked for the deadline to be Wednesday....Okay, deep breath.)

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