Wednesday, November 30, 2005

So many things to write about.......

So little time. I'm feeling overwhelmed with life.

Here's a list of things that happened in my day today.

Good Things

1) I got to go to my aerobics class.
2) I got to play with my girls at the park for an hour.

Bad Things

1) Nanny issues.
2) N was very tired tonight and ended up doing a new howling trick. This new howling trick is very bad. She opens her mouth and just lets loose. It is so loud. I worry that this noise may release some creatures from hell.
3) I feel mucho guilt because of the howling and wonder if I should quit my job and stay home with the girls.
4) My back really really really really hurts. I'll be writing more about this at length.
5) I'm tired.
6) I'm stressed.
7) I'm feeling overwhelmed.

Every so often we have a really overwhelming day and I just want to cry. Today was that day.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Congratulations, i feel like that with just one... and then have to take my time and dream about the good stuff! Walks on the park, baloons and lollypops!