Sunday, November 27, 2005

The pause

I don't usually blog about my husband because, well he's perfect for me. I have zero complaints. I am very happy. If I got any happier I would burst. Seriously. My blog would be very boring and would probably make most people gag from the sickenly sweet things I would write if I wrote about him. However, I am going to write this post about him... I don't think it will make you gag.

A few days ago I asked my husband, "Do you think I can get back to the same shape I was in before I first got pregnant?"

He paused.

He was trying to think of the right answer.

(My girlfriends know the correct answer.)

He replied, "If any one can do it, you can."

Not the right answer.
I don't say anything.

He tries to explain...
"You have lots of energy."

That's not helping honey. He thinks he is complimenting me. He thinks telling me how energetic I am is a good thing. However, to me, his answer means that I have a long way to go. I tell him this. Yup, men are from Mars. Fortunately he's very cute and doesn't complain when I buy multiple pairs of black shoes in one shopping trip. He also has many other very wonderful qualities. I'll keep him and even forgive him. He was trying. (Did I mention he is very cute?)

As God as my witness, I will get back into the same shape I was in before kids. (Shaking my fist at the skies and said in my best Scarlett O'Hara voice.)

(In case you read this my dear husband, the correct answer is.... "You did it after you had N. You can do it again." If you say it with no pause after I ask, you get double the points.)

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