Thursday, January 20, 2011

A continuing theme...

I continue to feel guilty for not posting here very often. It's because I don't have a lot going on that I NEED to blog about that I can't blog about on "the other blog" and because I don't have very much time.

Let's see here's something that isn't appropriate for the other blog but that I don't want to forget.

oNe asked so many questions that I finally broke down and gave her "THE TALK." I started worrying about this moment back in 2006 you can read about my first thoughts about it here. Since I've been thinking about it for so long, I had plenty of time to decide on my approach. Mostly, I figured I'd go in open and let her ask me ANYTHING and that no matter what, I wouldn't be embarrassed.

I made this choice because of talking to my OB/GYN. She has to talk to grown-ups about sex and personal issues all day long. She's never embarrassed. It's just part of her job. I decided that talking with the girls and helping them to understand the world around the is my job. This decision made it easier to talk with oNe. With that said, I have to give oNe credit... She asked some questions that almost made me blush. She's pretty insightful for only being 9.

I can give you details about the talk and how it went if you want--but email me or leave me a comment. I don't want to post it all here on the blog.

When she and I were done with the talk I explained how you don't tell your friends or little sisters about this. You let their Moms tell them when they are ready. I told her I'd tell her sisters probably when they were about 9, too. I also let her know if her friends tell her stuff that she should check with me to see if it is true or not. I told her a lot of times kids hear stuff from other kids that isn't quite true and I want to make sure she has all the right information.

I'm hopeful she'll always come to me. I think the talk went as well as it could. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. One funny thing, she was in utter disbelief about the process. Heh. Blew her little mind!


Lola Granola said...

Well hey, I want to hear about those insightful questions! I haven't had "the talk" because I've explained the mechanics a bunch of times--but you know, there' s more to it than mechanics. Thinking it's time to look for another opportunity!

RUTH said...

Just read this and it reminded me that I've been meaning to buy the book "From Birth to Puberty: Helping your child develop a healthy sexuality" by Gill Lough and Max Saunders. I skimmed it when H & K were babies and have been following some fragment of its advice ever since. Just ordered it online (BTW it is a New Zealand book and I think it is much cheaper to order from than