Thursday, December 23, 2010

More Merry

My last post was kind of bah humbuggy. Sorry about that. It's just how I feel.

On a merrier note, I am looking forward to some members of my family coming to visit. On Christmas Day, my niece will come visit. I love her dearly... sometimes she DRIVES ME INSANE, and other times it just works. Hopefully this will be a good visit. She stays until Tuesday and then my Mom comes to visit on Wednesday.

I'm excited for the girls... oNe is getting a microscope! She's been asking for it since early fall. twoK is getting a matching outfit with her American Girl Doll and a lunch pack for her. I'm thinking I may need to run to Target and get some Barbie accessories... Oh, wait, twoK is also getting a fancy pair of shoes... Check them out..

Fancy, yet practical!

She's also getting a pair of pink striped leggings... I wish I had black leggings for oNe.... Hrmmm....I guess her birthday is soon. (Note to self, Don't Panic... You have plenty of stuff for the girls.)

Three-a is getting a Buzz Lightyear doll. (It lights up and does stuff and may even have a remote control, I can't remember. MWH got it and he seemed very excited about it. I haven't seen it yet. Maybe tonight.)

The girls got each other a present, and their aunts and uncles sent them way too much stuff, too.

The thing I'm most excited about is that MWH and I decided that we would take a REAL vacation this year, and so we will have a BIG surprise for the girls on Christmas Day. I'll tell you about it then, too.

Note, this surprise is NOT at all like this Christmas surprise 6 years ago. Read Part 2 here.

1 comment:

RUTH said...

Merry Christmas! Ours has been lovely and full of little, happy surprises and 7 year-old glee.