Saturday, July 01, 2006

Surprises Part 2

I really couldn't believe it. My first thought was K! How will I have enough milk for K, my baby who doesn't like solids? (She was still pretty much exclusively nursing.) I apologized to K many times on Christmas Day.

I really couldn't believe it. I mean, I knew there was a possibility because my husband and I were "having fun." K was sleeping through the night and we were taking advantage of it (wink, wink, nudge, nudge). BUT we were being careful. I knew when I was ovulating. We still don't know how T came to be exactly.

So Christmas Day we find out that I'm pregnant. Christmas is a Saturday. I have to wait 2 days until Monday to go to the OB and get a quantitative hCG test to start to figure out how far along I am.

On Monday I go in and ask the receptionist for a bloodwork slip for the lab. She tells me my doctor is not in and therefore I can't have the slip. I try to explain that it's an emergency. She asks if I'm spotting, and I reply no.

She says, "You're pregnant, it's not an emergency."
I reply, "I have a 7 month old... IT IS AN EMERGENCY."

She gets the senior receptionist. The senior receptionist listens to my story and says she'll have the on-call doctor sign the bloodwork form. I ask for a quantitative hCG and a progesterone level.

We get the results on Tuesday morning (12/28/04)... (Here's what I have in my journal from then.)

I just got the bloodwork back from the doctor... I am definitely
preggers. hCG was 63,000 something... (I was guessing it would be over
50,000 cause that's part of the range for 7 weeks.) Progesterone 27.8
or 28.7 or 28.4 (can't remember)... I was just glad it was over 20 (it
was LOW with K) and over 20 is good. I go in for an ultrasound
tomorrow (Wednesday) so we should have a better date.

I missed out on the 2WW and the agony of all the time you
have to wait between the positive pregnancy test and the first ultrasound...
This is definitely different than the first 2 times around.

Also from my journal:

I had an ultrasound the today (Wednesday 12/29/04). Right before the ultrasound, my doctor told us a story about another couple who had trouble getting pregnant, just like us, had two kids, thought they were done, and then got pregnant on their own with twins. YIKES!

The blood work from Monday indicated I was about 7 weeks and the ultrasound today showed 7 weeks 1 day, and thankfully only one little one. Seven weeks one day means I conceived exactly around the time I *thought* I was ovulating. We were being careful I still don't know how conception could have happened.

I'm happy that all looks good so far... I'm still in shock, and still think it's completely insane, but I'm happy and worried, and freaked... EDD is 8/14/05.

I am worried about me--given how close the pregnancies are (NOT what I would have planned). I'm worried about being able to breastfeed K for the whole time.... But I'm going to give it my best shot. My doctor said she wouldn't tell me not to try, but that she thought it wold be very challenging for me to get enough calcium and protein, but I'm good at drinking milk and I've been craving meat so I should be ok.

(My husband) has been absolutely great about this... I guess he's as much to blame as I am... Maybe more ;-) He's calm and not worried about three.

Of course, as I told him, this affects my life much more than it does his... it's very true, it will affect me more. I'll be the one nursing. I'll be the one pumping. I'll be the one who has to juggle the kids and the career. He will go to work and get phone calls from me, maybe a few more, and maybe I'll be a little more stressed, but not much will change for him. I've thought a lot about work, what I will do, that we'll need a full-time nanny...

I'm now worried that if something isn't ok in there and this little one doesn't stick, that I'm going to freak out and decide we need a baby sooner rather than later. I do hope it sticks... I am so insane!

I was trying to figure out when we'd do a #3 ... I started thinking about how much baby-ness is different than little-kid-ness... I started to wonder if in 2 years I'd want to try again... I started to worry that maybe that was too long to wait...

Sometimes decisions are made for you.

I did spend the whole pregnancy in denial! And that's how I ended up doing a project for work just 6 weeks after T was born. Denial.

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