Friday, August 03, 2012

Week 7: OMG the summer is ALMOST OVER

I'm thinking of making this the new picture for the top of the blog, but I don't actually have time to futz with changing things.  Look how big they are!  Look how blonde they are!  (I had NOTHING to do with that.)

The picture was taken last week we went to a local little amusement park.  It was too cool to go to the beach.  The girls are big enough to go on all the rides all by themselves and they LOVE it!  This visit was the first time Three-a could go with her big sisters on some of the rides.  She had so. much. fun!

OMG, the summer is almost over.  It's August.  NOOOOO!  I don't want summer to end and fall to begin.  Okay, I do want a regular schedule, but I don't want to have the pressure that comes with fall.  I also want it to stay (warm); I like the temperature it is.  

Sigh, I guess fall is good.  I'm sure I'll be fine by mid-October.  I know it's going to be hard going back to work and school.  I told you I took most of the summer off.  It's been so good.  I haven't gotten as much organizing done as I wanted (I need a deadline!) but, I've gotten to hang with the girls a lot.  I think it's been good for me and for them.  The organizing will always be there.  My little girls won't be little forever.  

So what did we do this week?  Sewing camp for twoK and oNe.  They made some more fabulous stuff.  We had two play dates for Three-a. One play date was a bike play date and her bike is on its last legs!  We decided to get her a new bike for her birthday.  She's SO excited.  Now, we need to go shopping for a new bike for Three-a.  On her birthday she turns 7!  How is that possible?  (The blog turns 7 shortly after that, too.  Maybe I won't forget my blogoversary this year.)

On Tuesday, MWH's car got hit... Ugh.  Fortunately he's okay, but now he has to deal with getting it fixed and all the fun that goes along with that.

I feel like there's more I should record, but it's late and I'm tired.  I'm going to go watch Heroes with MWH.

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