Monday, February 13, 2012

A good but weird day

I had a friend from out of town visit me at work--it was fun, but it's odd when you have someone you don't usually see in your work place.

My pilates workout was cancelled because my trainer was sick.

I left work early because I am not super busy.

All of those things are UNUSUAL, and two were nice.  The worst was no pilates.  I still have my dance class tonight, fortunately.  Because it was such an unusual day, I keep feeling like I've forgotten something.  I don't think I have, but you know, when you don't do a usual routine, it just feels odd.

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day! Ah, love! I have 4 super valentines.  One tall, super husband and 3 short(er), but super daughters.

Part of tomorrow's festivities will include 2nd grade valentines!  I'm the Room Mom in twoK's classroom and I get to plan their valentine party.  I decided we should do chocolate fondue.  I then had NO IDEA how I could get chocolate fondue to be melty at school so I bought this.*  I'm super excited.  I think it'll be fun for the kids.  We'll dip fruit, pretzels, and a few other things and it won't be too sugary.  Oh!  I need to buy water for the party, still.  (I should get on that, or I could get it on the way in tomorrow.)

One last valentine thing...For oNe's valentines for her class, we made them.  Don't get all impressed with me as a crafty person, because I'm NOT, but we took pictures of their class pet and made 2 versions of a card.  oNe loves this pet, and so do the other kids, but probably not as much as oNe, but she's delighted!  I am too, and it's way more personal than the little cards you buy.  twoK and Three-a have the generic cards, but they are so young that it's okay--or at least that's how I rationalized it.  I'll work on something creative for them for next year.

Okay... Kind of a random post, but it was a random day.  Also, I got nothing on the baking front, today.  We were pretty busy this weekend, so I didn't get a chance to do those muffins I wrote about.  Maybe I'll get to them, tomorrow, or Wednesday, or this coming weekend.  On another note, I could give you an update on the new house, but I'll wait to do that later.  I should go do a little prep work for my class.  Hopefully a house update will be one of my next posts.

*PS, I'm thinking dark chocolate fondue will be a good dessert at a get-together, what do you think?  It can be vegan!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes yes yes! MWL says yum.