Monday, February 06, 2012


I accomplished my goal of making these!  They are pretty tasty.  Unfortunately, my store didn't have brown sesame seeds, they only had black ones (in the bulk section), so my crackers aren't as pretty as the pictures on the other site.  In addition, I think I put in too much herbamare, or maybe too much salt... they are tasty, but next time I'll probably leave out the salt and just go for the herbamare, or hrm... Not sure.  But, yay!  Crackers!  From my oven!  (Note, need to copy the recipe over, but will later.)

Three-a and I baked the crackers and we also made these yummy chia apple cinnamon oatmeal squares.  Three-a was so excited that I let her help me cut up the apples with a sharp knife.  I was worried about her thumb and fingers, but she was very careful!  I was proud!  (MWH wanted to know why I didn't give her a non-sharp knife, but it wouldn't have been quite the same.  She's gotta learn sometime, right?  Obviously, I was very supervisor-y on the knife usage.)  (In addition, it was an apprenticeship.)

In other notes, I only added 1/4 cup xylitol tonight to the recipe.  After tasting the results, I know that last time I did use 1/2 cup.  They are less sweet, but still pretty tasty.  I'll have to see what MWH says about them and then decide whether to stick with 1/4 cup or add 1/2 cup of xylitol.  (His answer was, these would be GREAT with ice cream.  Last week, for my birthday, we tried this.  OMG.  It's good.  I won't eat it on a regular basis, but for special occasions, I'm set!)  Based on MWH's answer, I may try making these with Stevia.  We'll see.

Someday, I need to write up my thoughts on Xylitol versus Stevia, but not today.  Work is still busy.  It's going to be a busy week.  It should be better by Monday.

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