This last week kicked my @&&! Seriously.
1. A project that I thought was due 9/30 was actually due 9/15.
2. The thing that was supposed to be on Thursdays got moved to Tuesdays.
3. We had a super fun play date this morning, but usually we're bums on Sunday mornings.
4. Thank goodness we went out to dinner F and Sat nights. I am wondering if we should go out tonight. (On F night, MWH and I got to go out alone!)
5. twoK can whistle. (This didn't contribute to the kicking.)
6. The girls decided they wanted to camp out last night. We set up a tent for them on our deck. Two of the three slept outside. Then they woke us up at the dawn's early light.
7. Mostly it was work that got me, but oNe had a lot of homework, too. She was DONE on Thursday and we forgot to study for her spelling test. One of the words was cotyledon. She's in third grade. I thought it was a biology term, but I had to look it up. Do you know what it is?
8. I'm hoping this week is less crazy.
9. I was still pretty exhausted from the cold I had... I got it two weeks ago on Thursday or Friday (so it's been over two weeks now). I'm just about feeling 100% NOW. Really... two weeks for a cold. How pathetic is that?
10. My ex-boyfriend, the EVIL one, has found me in FB and wants to friend me. HELL NO is what I want to say, but right now, I'm just ignoring him. I haven't seen him for 14 years, explain to me why should we be friends?
11. This week is MWH's half-birthday. Heh.
12. All for now... Hope you all have good weeks! Me too!
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