A year ago, I hurt my knee in Zumba. I spent a long time in PT (physical therapy) and it got better. When I went to PT, I had several things wrong with my knee:
1. Tight IT bands
2. Popliteal muscle and tendonitis problem
3. Weak VMO
4. My kneecap not aligning properly because of 1 and 3.
It hurt. I learned many things to do to make it feel better. I'd have "perfect knee days" where it would feel great. Feeling great meant that I didn't feel it at all; days where I took my knee for granted and just did stuff. About 3-4 weeks ago, it started hurting again--I was even dreaming that I needed knee surgery because it hurt while I was sleeping.
I was worried that I'd done something to it. I spent a couple of weeks worrying and then I called and got an appointment with PT. After 3 appointments, it is MUCH better. The problem seems to be 1, 3, and 4 again. Not as bad as last summer, but still there. I have to keep working on the VMO... The PT said not it's nearly impossible to get it strong enough to compensate for IT bands as tight as mine.
If you need to see a picture of it all, here's the VMO. The VMO is on the "inside" part of your leg.
Here's the IT band; it's on the outside of your leg.
So if you know about knees, you may recognize that I have "patellofemoral syndrome." Some people think it means "bad knees" and that there is nothing you can do for it. I don't accept that. I realize I'm going to have to work to have "good knees." I'm okay with working hard as long as it will work. So far, it's been okay. I am thankful that I've had two really good PTs. (Next steps: I'm going to talk with my PT about this article to make sure I'm doing enough with strengthening other body parts too.)
It sometimes sucks to have to work hard to be able to feel good, but working hard and staying active is way better than not doing anything, taking medicines, and having lots of pain. If you don't use it, you lose it. Using it is very important!
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