Saturday, June 13, 2009


Today, my technology is giving me a headache. My computer still isn't staying connected to the web. Because of this, I'm trying to upgrade the system, but something is wrong with the download so it won't save. I decided to use MWH's computer to register oNe for a class this summer since I couldn't do work and the site I was using went down. It's a site for our city. It JUST STOPPED WORKING. I called and the guy there for the weekend had NO IDEA what was wrong. Lovely.

It's the weekend and all technology is not working.

I just emailed a colleague at work and realized she's out of town this weekend and most likely won't be checking email until Tuesday. I am envious, but I don't know if I could honestly go that long without an internet connection. Am I pathetic?

As I am trying to catch up with work (only about 4.5 more hours of work until I am CAUGHT UP), I realize how glad I am that I don't have to plan for teaching this fall. Since I'm not teaching, my goal is to take 2 whole weeks off this summer in August. We'll see if I can make it happen. I know I can manage a week and one-half, but can I do two (in a row). Most likely, I can work 15 hours one week (on M, T) then take off W for two weeks (14 days) off) and then work 10-15 hours on Th, F after 14 days off. We'll see what all is going on at work. Wouldn't two weeks off be lovely? Could I do it? I know I'll need a week off in August when my brother comes to visit.

1 comment:

Zaz said...

I'm pretty sure I could go for a while without an internet connection as long as I had some books with me :)