Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Muchly random

I was really happy yesterday... 1) our new president and 2) Zumba was good and got the endorphins going.

Now I'm sitting here and the endorphins are slowly leaving.

I got to watch the inauguration with oNe's class.

Yea, others have said it, but it IS really exciting that the little girls get a non-oldwhiteguy as a president.

oNe lost a tooth and the tooth fairy forgot to come. YIKES. We are BAD parents. The issue was that the little girls weren't going to sleep, and by the time things had settled down, we were exhausted. MWH had been the tooth fairy all the other times for oNe, so I wasn't thinking about it. He'd gotten sucked into thinking about work...

oNe was upset when she woke up, and I told her I'd call the tooth fairy to find out what happened. After MWH and I spoke, I realized it made sense to tell her that they didn't fall asleep quickly enough, the tooth fairy had tried to come, but they weren't asleep, and she had a really busy schedule.

It's bad we forgot, but I think we covered the forgetting okay. When oNe woke up, she thought the tooth fairy didn't love her, but when we explained the tooth fairy had tried, and that she couldn't come because the sisters weren't asleep, then the reason was a consequence of an action she (and her sisters) had done and that it wasn't just pure neglect.

I did/do feel a little, um, weird telling /having told this lie. Here I am reinforcing the fantasy and telling her big fat lies to cover up for MWH and I being tired and mere mortal parents. oNe likes the fantasy of the tooth fairy though, so it's a white-lie. It's okay, right?

I found a company I find interesting. Interesting in the sense it would be fun to work for them, but they are a start-up company and would expect CRAZY things from their employees. I can't think about them any more.

I get to start working with oNe's class doing "dance." I'll be doing a combination of many forms of dance: aerobics, zumba, hip-hop, and jazz. I taught dance to little kids when I was younger, but it was a small class (about 5 kids). It was fun. I'm very interested in health and exercise. I don't like sports, but I do like fitness and dance. (I am VERY BAD at sports. Maybe even VERY-VERY-VERY BAD at sports. Now the word very looks funny to me.)


Zaz said...

As a former small child, I think it's okay :)

RUTH said...

So far we've have managed a loud "Good morning" and a little sleight-of-hand when the tooth fairy has forgotten. I think you did a good cover.