Sunday, November 02, 2008

Every once in a while...

I go all freaky-green on you. Remember this?

Go check out my new favorite cleaning web site!

I just cleaned the bathroom floor with this and vinegar and water and then Hydrogen Peroxide. The grout isn't all the way dry, but some it is mostly dry and it looks FABULOUS.

I usually clean the grout with a Magic Eraser once every few months, but then I freak out about Melamine Foam.... (You know... this stuff...the dog food and the infant formula I don't think it's the same, exactly... I need a chemist... MWH help me out here...) but still, the name, it makes me worry. Since, I would like to use less chemical-y stuff, decided to give vinegar and Hydrogen Peroxide a try. It was a lot of work, but so is cleaning all the grout with the Magic Eraser.

Anyway... There you go. Green cleaning fun.

(Yea, I have a lot of work to do for work. You know you have a lot of work to do for work when you start cleaning. Heh.)

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