Thursday, August 14, 2008


Dad is in the Rehab place. After all of the drama of yesterday, it seems impossible to believe. Now, it's up to him to work hard. He seems to want to do it. Or at least that's what he said today on the phone. We'll see how it goes. I hope he does it.

MWH's kitty seems like he is feeling better. There are several things I still want to do, but it's nice to seem him walking around at night and asking for kitty-food. Asking for food is always a good sign!

I feel overwhelmed with how much work I want to do, but I shouldn't stress so much. Stress is bad for the brain. I leave you with this article.

Maybe tomorrow I can tell you about some of T's (2.99) cuteness in the morning. About how she came in yesterday morning singing "Good Morning..." in a high voice with false vibrato...who knows why, but it was so. darn. cute. Or how she and K (4.25) were farmers and wore these cute little hats... Or... Well, we'll see what I can post tomorrow.

My back is still sore. I started taking Zyflamend (google if you're curious) and we'll see what happens. (It was recommended to me by the ergonomics person at work.)


Anonymous said...

Glad things are looking up, love!

PS said...

Yay for heathier kitties and adorable daughters. Sending good thoughts for you dad; I know how you feel. It's tough. Our friend CH is having problems with her mom, and she may need to get home care for her too.