Monday, June 23, 2008


What does a Mom of 3 look like? I asked this question here.

I just saw a friend who has 3 kids. I think she looks like my colleague (see post linked above) was expecting me to look. She looked tired, stressed, and overwhelmed. Her first two kids are exactly the same age as my kids. Her last child is one year younger than T. She (the mom) is one year older than me. She was running around chasing her youngest. I felt sorry for her. I don't think I looked quite that stressed last year, but I might have. I do know it definitely gets easier as the little ones close in on age three.

I saw a friend with three boys who are 4 years older than my girls (very close spacing too) and she told me how much easier it is now. Her oldest is almost 10 and her youngest is almost 6.

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