Saturday, March 15, 2008

Too much (in a good way)

I have good problems. They drive me crazy, but they are mostly good. I can't and shouldn't complain, but I am a mere mortal, so I do.

I get overwhelmed because I have so many things in my life that I love and so many work interests I refuse to give up. The big underlying problem is I don't have enough time to do everything I want to do. Again... good problem...shouldn't complain. I have a wonderful husband, MWH, and he makes me laugh and keeps me sane. I have 3 little girls... I think it's pretty clear how I feel about them! My sweeties!*

I have much I love about my job(s). I have the BEST colleagues at one place. We do exciting, important, and interesting work (most of the time). At the other place, I have colleagues like this, but it's a good place because I get to try new things and learn. I make mistakes, but I do so because I honestly don't think the "old ways" work really well. (I'm pretty sure Dragon Lady uses the "old ways.") I don't think the "old ways" take into account all we know about how people learn, nor do they teach people about collaboration, nor do they teach people how to THINK for themselves, and finally, they don't teach people who to work with technology.

I am in the midst of trying to figure out new ways and it's difficult. When things don't work, I have to question whether I am "good enough" to contribute to a new solution. Because of my insecurities, I often decide I'm not good enough. Einstein is usually attributed to saying the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I just read that quote in an article about my field (not linking to the article here) and a lightbulb lit up in my head. This is why I try different things, crazy different, because I want to see different results. I know I'd see "okay" results the other way, the old way, but I wouldn't be paying attention to an emerging new field. Also, eventually, I expect to see a big improvement with new ways.

Anyway.... One of the themes around here is to help me figure out what to give up. I thought I'd figured it out, but now I have to re-think it all again. One of my "rules" is to give things 3-4 "tries" before giving up. I'm still in the painful 3rd try.

Okay....Onward. The theme of trying to figure it all out continues. This is life, right?

*Nevermind the yelling that just happened. It only lasted for about 2 seconds before I pulled it back together. K tossed my computer off the couch. I reacted and yelled, "K____! WHAT DID YOU JUST DO????" Then she cried and I hugged her and asked her calmly what she did and we discussed a better solution. I apologized for yelling. Hardly counts, right?

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