Friday, February 15, 2008

3 years

Three years ago, I lost my Beloved Kitty. He had been sick for a long time before, but it was still horrible, awful and sad. Someday, I should write up the story of how he and I got very scared one night... eh... no time like the present?

Here goes... When I was in grad school, he and I lived in an apartment. It was older one. One night, the fire alarm went off in the middle of the night. When it did, I grabbed my Beloved Kitty and went running outside. All of the neighbors were gathered outside and didn't smell smoke. Finally they told us there was a problem with the wiring in the fire alarm system, but not to worry. We were all sent back to our apartments. Since the problem was in the wiring, the fire alarm kept going off at random times during the night. My Beloved Kitty and I were so freaked out we snuggled under the covers all night. I was so glad he was there!

One more story...

Right after K (now 3.75) was born, My Beloved Kitty used to love to sleep beside her. I called it "babysitting." He used to get right next to her and watch over her. It was so sweet. K was about a week old when that photo was taken.

How I miss my boy! I still think about him every day and miss him.

1 comment:

RUTH said...

I've been thinking a lot about the cats I've known this week because Maggie was put down on Thursday. I first met Maggie about 12 years ago when her owner moved in with my friend to a flat Maggie hated. When my friend moved out Maggie moved with her and it was the start of a long association.