Thursday, January 31, 2008


Have I ever told you about how much N (6) lectures her sisters? It's crazy! Even I don't lecture like she does--not even in class. Whew! She's been lecturing K (3.5) for about 5 minutes on how you never put a bath toy in your mouth. She's covered all the angles I believe. It's nice to not have to be the one lecturing. Heh.


Anonymous said...

I was actually going to ask a question sort of related to that - I thought of it from reading the post on your other blog about N making toast for her sisters.

How do the little girls think of N? Does she have any authority with them? Do they listen when she tells them what to do, or advises them on something?

What are the dynamics between the three little girls?

JK said...

The other girls don't seem to view N as an authority figure.... They view her as more competent, but I don't think they see her as having more authority... I'll think about this and post something about their relationships sometime soon. :-) Thanks for asking!

JK said...

Oh, one other thought quickly, the reason I think they see her as more competent is that K 3.5 told me how N (6) was smarter. I asked why she thought that and K listed all the things N could do that she couldn't yet do. I tried to explain that soon K would be able to do those things too, but K wasn't convinced that she'd ever be "as smart" as N. Interesting pre-operational perspective on smart, eh?