Thursday, September 06, 2007


T (2) loves babies. She has a doll that she calls Baby and sleeps with her. T says she is a baby. She's still nursing. If you haven't nursed a toddler, you don't know how much! fun! that can be. (She always wants the left one first. Then she say, "other one!" She pretends she's a kitten or puppy before nursing. I have to ask her if she's my baby kitty or baby puppy (depending on the sound she's making) before she'll nurse.) She is weaning slightly. I'm hopeful that she'll wean on her own soon, but that's just wishful thinking and not likely to happen. What I'm doing so far is just saying no if she asks to nurse during the day. She nurses in the morning and at night, but not during the day.

She's starting to join in with her sisters in more activities. Tonight, K and T were snuggled up under a blanket together watching Dora. They were even yelling the answers to Dora's questions together. So cute! This morning, K and T dragged blankets upstairs and pillows and were "camping out." Again, it was very cute. I remember when N and K started playing a lot together, but I failed (or I think I failed) to capture the exact date. (I think it was before K turned two.)

T is also starting to join in during the nightly routine we do with N and K. She used to be the first to bed and then it'd take another 1/2 hour until the other two were in bed. She started participating a little a few weeks ago (I don't think I noted the actual date). Tonight, I walked in and MWH was reading The Cat in the Hat. K and T were listening intently. As I sat on the bed, T looked at me and very solemnly said, "Kitty-cat," as if I needed a little briefing on the story. Awww.

My baby... growing up! This morning, she's drawing, asking me if I love her pictures and then if I'll hang them on the wall. Again, awwww. She's so two!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwww, she totally is growing up. I just love her. I forgot you were still nursing. Wow! It seems like such a distant memory for me now. And yet, not. :)