Thursday, August 30, 2007

Good stuff, Maynard*

Our bedroom around 1 am last night
Me working away on the computer, not tired at all--in fact, kind of perky.
MWH exhausted, laying in bed.

him: So, how many cups of coffee did you have today?
me: hysterical laughter
him: That many, huh?

I only had 2 cups, but I usually don't drink two full cups. I felt great. I've only had one cup of coffee today and I don't feel as good. I need to balance feeling great with being able to sleep though.

*Yea, I changed the title. Sorry if I was annoying on the blog readers.

1 comment:

RUTH said...

I've finally got the power cable back for my laptop so I've been online in the evenings. I've also been finding it hard to get to sleep and I'm wondering if this is related. I should probably try something more restful just before bed.

Hmmm... I think there was a point in that somewhere.