Thursday, June 07, 2007

Low energy

N is sick. Sigh. I feel exhausted and I imagine it's because I'm fighting it. N's quote of the day was when MWH asked her where she got her cold and she replied, "It's a mystery." He and I were just busting up.

K had a great quote yesterday. She was very very grumpy because she didn't nap. She kicked or hit her little sister. One of our wonderful college student babysitters (J2) told her she needed to go to time out to calm down. K said, "I'm NOT GOING TO TIME OUT!" She stood shaking and being very angry and added, "Even though I did it." (Yell it for the whole effect.)

Mary Poppins leaves for vacation tomorrow. Starting tomorrow, I'm in charge. Our previous nanny is going to come hang with the girls for 2 days next week. I'm excited to get more time with the girls!

As soon as N is well, we'll join the Y. I'm looking forward to swimming and playing with the girls there.

I'll work on a fun T / K update soon. K had her 3-year check-up today so I have size stats! MWH was able to take off from work and go with us. I really like it when he gets to go too. He usually does for the "big" birthday appointments.

I really like our pediatrician, however, she's always concerned about K's eating, or rather K's lack of eating. Our doctor thinks I should try to get K to eat more veggies. On my previous post about K's eating, motherlawyer posted a comment that made me feel better... She suggested I read Ellyn Satter's book "Child of Mine". It's funny, I've read it, and I've suggested it to other people as a good read, but I didn't apply it to K. I know my job is to offer her healthy food choices and it's K's part of the bargain to eat them. I need to keep this is in mind.

Sometimes, when you're so close to the problem, it's hard to step back. That's why I made that post. So that you could help me step back. I watch N and T eat so well and K eat so poorly, and I start to freak... I start to think K must be malnourished... and this must be hurting her brain development... I get stressed and then I am not happy.

I let N and T tell me what they want to eat and I trust them to eat enough and eat well, but I don't trust K to do the same. I'm working on it. Of course, not starting well yet, I bribed her to eat some peas tonight...K swallowed them whole. She probably swallowed 7. It was all very dramatic. She nearly gagged during the act too.

I do think I will start adding some veggies to her yogurt/fruit shakes. It could work. Of course, it won't work if she notices--I'll have to be careful!

What else... I think that's it for now.... I'm tired. Given that I'm going to be in charge and with the girls tomorrow, you could get NO posts or tons of posts. We'll see what happens.

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