Thursday, April 05, 2007


Yesterday I forgot to drink my last cup of tea. Or maybe I drank the last one but forgot the one before it. Either way, I was exhausted at 11 pm.

I also spent an hour trying to buy our tickets for our trip in June to where I was raised--that was exhausting too. It's really expensive to fly into the city that I grew up in because it's not a huge market. However, the next closest airport is about 2-3 hours away and doing a long drive with little girls after a day of flying doesn't sound like a lot of fun. We did it 2 years ago when we only had 2 and I knew we'd not be doing that again.

I really don't like traveling, and I really hate spending large amounts of money on airline tickets... And now our tickets are X 5. Even fairly cheap tickets add up!

Anyway, I have several posts almost done... I'll be back soon... (After I've had my coffee!!)

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