Saturday, January 06, 2007

They are cute...

But they are NOT rational.

K (2.5) stayed dry in her pull-up all day. I was proud. You know that that means... (pride comes before a fall).

I told K how proud I was of her and then I said, "Let's go potty and then we can get a chocolatey-goodness treat."

She agreed. We walked down to the bathroom. She was helping me put the potty seat on the potty. She froze. I knew she was starting to go to the bathroom IN HER PULL-UP. I said, "STOP!" She did. She went on the potty too. I was in shock. She stayed dry ALL DAY. What was another 20 seconds? Apparently, it was too much to ask.

I told her I was disappointed and therefore no chocolatey-goodness. She said, "How about if I poop on the potty to make you happy again?"

Heh. How can you be mad at that?


RUTH said...

I think she had a Pavlov's dog problem. She could have hung on longer except in the presence of the toilet. I know the feeling. I can be fine until I take H & K to a toilet somewhere and first K sits and sits and sits then it's H's turn by the time she's finished I'm dancing around in a fashion usually reserved for 3 year olds.

Thinking of which my sister once worked with a class of 3 year olds and she developed a sixth sense for when people needed to go. She'd walk down the street and glance at some suit and think 'I hope he makes it'.

Anonymous said...

So funny that you should post about the potty because Lauren wanted to pee on the potty soooooo badly today....mainly so she could get some M&Ms. We've talked about it forever and today out of the blue she said she wanted them, so I told her she had to pee on the potty. She sat there and strained and moaned but nothing would come out. So, I suggested she get a drink and try again in a little bit. So, she tried again. Rachel and I had been telling her earlier that she needed to sit up straight on the potty. Wouldn't you know she started to go while leaning way back, so the pee started coming out like a fountain!! I did get her to straighten up the posture and she managed to get a teensy weensy bit of pee in the potty (the fountain resulted in wetness on the bathroom rug). SO, she got her M&Ms (4 to be exact). We all cheered and gave her high fives. Did she have any more successes the rest of the day? Of course not. Have I mentioned how much I LOATHE potty training?!

JK said...

Ruth definitely nailed it on the reason why K did it...

Colleen... I'm sorry!