Saturday, January 13, 2007

T is for...

totally turning into a toddler who is close to two. Okay, she's not yet 18 months (not even 17) but she is sassy!

With all 3 girls, they had their "terrible twos" before age two. I decided that terrible twos started right after the first birthday in the second year, not at the second birthday. I think a lot of the "terrible" comes from the fact that they have opinions but can't yet speak. They are frustrated!

She's growing up so fast. She loves to sit at the table and color now. She loves to color on the bathtub walls with the bath crayons.

1. This morning, she picked out a pair of pants and refused to wear anything else. They were cute, but dang... We're in trouble. Miss K didn't start expressing strong opinions about her clothes until she was over 2.

2. I think T is trading places with K. (K's getting easier... T's getting harder.)

3. T totally talks back. If she doesn't like something she tells you about it!

I remember watching T a few months ago wondering if she'd ever be difficult. Well, she's getting there. Not horrible 'cause she's a pretty easy going girl, but certainly not as easy as she was 6 months ago. She's got opinions! She is so independent!


One funny thing, and I'm not sure if I recorded this or not... (not sure if I should, but hey, why not)

T trims her own nails... I guess she must bite them, but I've never seen her bite them and they aren't really bitten looking.

Many months ago, I realized that I hadn't trimmed her nails in a while and I went to do it. They were trimmed. Excellent, I thought, Mary Poppins is trimming her nails. The next time I had a chance, I thanked Mary Poppins. She said, "But I'm not trimming them." Huh...? MWH wasn't doing them either. We decided she must be doing them herself.

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