Sunday, January 21, 2007

Planets (a lecture by N)

In preschool, Miss N learned all about planets at preschool. This morning, when K (32 months) and N (5) got up and joined us in bed, and MWH and I weren't quite awake we flipped on the TV for them. (I don't have a problem with a little TV here and there.) Little Einsteins were on. N and K were delighted.

The episode was about the planets. After the episode was over, N kept asking K, "Do you want me to tell you about Saturn?" Then she would say, "Saturn has a lot of moons. It's my favorite planet. It's the second biggest." Then, "Do you want me to tell you about Jupiter?" "Jupiter is the biggest planet and has a big red spot." She went on and on. MWH and I were proud!


RUTH said...
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RUTH said...

I've been having conversations with K that go:

me: "The sun is really, really big."
K: "Bigger than the house?"
me: "Bigger than the whole world."
K: "Bigger than creche?"
me: "Bigger than everything you've ever seen."
me suddenly struck that this isn't accurate: "Umm... except other stars."
K (as I ponder whether she has seen galaxies): "Stars like on H's socks?"

[Comment reposted by RUTH with 2 minor corrections]

RUTH said...

Today we talked about the sun peeking through the clouds and H said "The sun is a star?"

I feel so much better about my attempts to communicate astronomy.