Okay, the title is probably a little over the top, eh?
Miss K (2.5) is potty training. She's gotten pretty far on her own. Seriously...on her own. I have done so little. She is the most self-sufficient and independent girl EVER. Seriously.
She started potty training herself around 18-20 months. We were all delighted. She would take herself into the bathroom, take off her own diaper and go. All. by. herself. I figured I'd get her potty trained over the summer. However, over the summer I was too busy and T was still so young. I couldn't deal with potty training too.
She's now 2 years 8 months. She's now enrolled in a preschool for the summer (starting in June) that requires her to be potty trained. It's time to start getting more serious.
She runs around saying, "I'm going to go to preschool after I learn to use the potty all the time and not wear diapers or pull-ups."
That's her mantra.
She wants to do it, but she forgets. N was all dry by the time she was 2 years 10 months. She got serious about it when she was 2 years 9 months. I was encouraging very strongly and bribing all the time! N was really good at staying dry, but NOT good at the whole pooping on the potty thing. (N didn't master that until 3 years 2 months.)
Miss K, of course, is the opposite. She has been pooping on the potty perfectly for MONTHS! I was excited when it happened. A wet diaper is no big deal. The other kind are! Not having to deal with those is NICE.
Miss K stays dry if we ask her to go to the bathroom every 2 - 3 hours. She could manage to stay dry at preschool now, if it started tomorrow, because preschool is only 3 hours long and they do have a scheduled potty break.
Right now, I guess it's more than "asking" her. It's asking and then HAVING her go. If you ask, and then don't have her go, she will end up going in her diaper with in 1/2 hour or so. She's pretty suggestible.
We're at the point where as long as we "make her" go, she stays dry! She even has stayed dry overnight a couple of nights. Woo-hoo!
I've tried sticking "big girl" pants under her pull-up, and she had one "accident" but I haven't done that consistently. This weekend we'll do wear big girl pants under her pull-up again. I'm not stressing about the potty training thing this time. With N, I stressed much more. I am so much more mellow this time. I know she'll do it someday, and I'm guessing pretty soon (within a couple of months).
As soon as she "learns to use the potty all the time and not wear diapers or pull-ups." she and I are going SHOE shopping. She is my shoe girl.
Shoes! It's. all. about. shoes! And preschool. She is so excited for preschool.
1 comment:
Jealous....very jealous! Lauren will be 3 in two months and is not trained! I haven't wanted to push her because the whole process with Rachel took for-evah! So, we just talk about it a lot. I feel like she's the determined and stubborn personality who will train herself. I just wish she'd decide to do it....NOW! We tell her all the time she'll get M&Ms. Sometimes she tries. Mostly not too interested. Maybe she's not motivated by shopping for new underwear. I'll have to try the shoe tactic, or maybe a pretty pink dress!! PINK is the way to Lauren's heart....and hopefully a brand-new pair of underwear!
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