Monday, January 01, 2007


I. am. so. tired.

T (16 months) woke up at 7. I think I was in the midst of a sleep cycle or something. I don't feel like I'm completely awake. I totally wish I could have taken a nap today. I'm so tired that my fingers hurt. Seriously. My nerve damage can cause pain in my fingers if I'm tired.

We took the girls to see the new Charlotte's Web. It was very nicely done. N (almost 5) has watched the older version about 4,000 times. (Okay maybe a few less than that.) She knows the story. She seemed to really like the new version. Both K (2.5) and N love going to the movies. T squirms a lot. One thing, N noticed, today for the first time, that Charlotte died at the end of the movie. When we got to the car, N said, "This one was different. Charlotte didn't die in the other one." She was asking tons of questions about dying in the movie, but I had to tell her we would talk about it later because it was too hard to talk in the theatre. Unfortunately, she didn't bring it back up.

Tomorrow, my good friend arrives for a visit. She knows about the blog so if I'm not blogging it's not because I'm trying to protect my secret identity, but rather 'cause we're off playing! It will be an interesting adventure as we'll have 5 kids in this house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! You must be having a GREAT time with your friends. It's been two days since your last post!!! I definitely want to take my girls to see Charlotte's Web. I think they'd love it!