Friday, December 15, 2006

Several Sighs...

1. K (2.5) and T (15.5 months) now have the cold. T sounds like a little demi moore baby... It's sad! This cold is going to make K SGR girl again.

2. I am starting to feel the signs of a cold coming on. I have never tried Zicam but have read that it will help lessen the symptoms of a cold. I just sent MWH out to buy me some because I really don't want to be sick and flying on an airplane. I'll let you know what I think of Zicam.

3. A person I work with... not closely... (she's an administrator/business manager), apparently got all pissy today because another colleague and I weren't there to help her with something that she needed help with in relation to one of our projects... I am PISSY about the administrator's reaction because she gave my colleague and I NO INDICATION THAT SHE WOULD NEED US. In fact, she even kind of indicated to both my colleague and I that she was done working on our project.

She complained to one of the directors in our organization that we weren't responsive. Our director only heard the administrator's side of the story and the director sent a rebuking email to my colleague and me. I am so annoyed. My colleague responded to the director with a great email. I am still a little fuming and everything I write to explain/apologize to our director comes out wrong. Not sure if "least said, soonest mended" is best here. I'll sleep on it.

4. I don't want to go on my business trip. Several of my friends with children are saying, "GO! ENJOY YOURSELF! YOU GET SOME TIME OFF!" I would rather not go. I would rather hang with my children. I love hanging with my little girls. Sometimes they scream a lot, but I just like to be with them. They are my sweeties.

5. What else???... There was something else... Hmmmmm... [Play Jeopardy theme song]

6. So last month it was NaNoBloMo, and this month it's the Holidailies, and some people are talking about how they just can't do the daily blog thing. That all of their posts come out like garbarge, or that they only things that are appropriate for a private journal but not a blog. I do generally write everyday, but I am not a writer. I document. My posts are not works of art. They document my life.

There is no "right" answer about what a blog is. A blog is a flexible technology tool and you can use it however you want. My blog is full of mundane posts, but that is okay. That's what I choose to write about. My blog is for my little girls (when they grow up) so that they can know about our life with them when they were so little. I am certain I won't remember all of this. Every day goes so fast and it's a blur.

I don't know if the girls will be interested in reading this, but in case they want to know all about our lives, I want them to have this. I won't remember the details and I want them to know how crazy this time was, but also how much I enjoyed them. The cute things they said and did. I also want them to know things I did and thought too. Most of this probably would be better in a private journal, except that when I was writing in a private journal, I was more boring than I am now.

Now, because I do have an audience, I am more selective about what I do record. I try to write about things that I think other people and the little girls (in the future) would want to read. I try to find humor in situations. I find that the blog helps me think about things differently. I write this for me and the people who do want to read it. I like having a few readers. I like getting comments and other people's insight on things. I like being able to share with my friends who are far away more easily.

Okay... Off to watch Buffy and sleep.

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