Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Oh the screaming

Tonight was a very noisy night. K (29 months) started doing her banshee scream again tonight. I hadn't heard it for a long time. I don't know when it stopped, but I can tell you it started again tonight and she did it 4 times. It didn't take much to provoke it. It was as shrill as it had been a year ago. I had forgotten exactly what it sounded like, but I instantly recognized it when she did it. I knew it sounded different than a T__-dactyl cry, but I couldn't remember exactly how. Now I know. It's much more high pitched and "bloody murder" sounding. The T__-dactyl cry certainly gets very high, but it also has this animal guttural sound to it.

Anyway, T (14 months), and K were shrieking a lot. N (4 and 3/4s) was playing baby monster. While N was shrieking because something was wrong, she was shrieking as a baby monster. It. was. very. loud.

My ears are still ringing.

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