Saturday, September 30, 2006

Whew--Saturday fun.

Today we had our nanny (aka Mary Poppins) over because we took Tuesday off and hung with the girls. It was a crazy week because of it, but because it was so crazy I felt NO need to work today. What did I do instead?

1. Cleaned out my car. There were so many crumbs in my car. My husband and I had been joking that a family of squirrels could have eaten for months on the contents of my car. I don't think we were far off in our estimate.

2. Had lunch with my husband. Alone. Errrr... alone at a table in a crowded restaurant. What a concept. We were able to speak in complete sentences. We were able to have a whole conversation. It was weird. Good, but weird.

3. Found a new pair of work-out pants. My old ones made it through two pregnancies (tied below the belly). I figure it was time for a new pair. I can't seem to find the old ones. Maybe my husband was tired of them (they are kind of ratty) and tossed them.

Random Nada

Did I ever tell you how cheap I can be sometimes?

I have a skirt I bought in 1988 when I worked at "The Limited" for a very very short stint. You have to fold and hang a lot of clothes when you work there. It was an awful job. I was always getting marked down for my inability to fold. I can't fold clothes and make the folds look crisp. After that experience I went on to waiting tables. I preferred waiting tables. I was much better at it. You get to run around and multi-task when you are waiting tables. That is something I enjoy (did you ever notice that?).

Anyway, the purpose of this digression was not to tell you about jobs I held when I was young, but to tell you about "the skirt I bought in 1988." I still wear it. Do you still respect me? Granted I only wear the skirt to my dance class, but I still wear it. It's a black stretchy mini-skirt.

The funny thing is that many people in my class have said how cute the skirt is. That skirt is approaching 20 years old. We have some students in the class who weren't born until 1994. My skirt is 6 years older than them. (YIKES!) But I love that skirt. I probably spent $15 on it. I'd say it was a value purchase.

Recently I went to a store that already has pretty cheap inexpensive clothes. I found two skirts each on clearance for $6. I bought them. I love them. Heck, I would have paid $15 or even $20 for them. Their price of $6 just made my day!

4. I also tried on 4 other pairs of pants and about 8 shirts and decided none of them were things I wanted to add to my wardrobe. None of them were priced at $6 either.

5. Came home and snuck upstairs and am now blogging this.

I hear little girls in the backyard. I'm going to stretch for 10 minutes and then go down and give them hugs.

How was your day?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The oldest piece of clothing I still wear occaisionally is a jersey I got in England in 1983. I'd still be wearing the chambray skirt I didn't take on that trip because it was too old, if I fitted it at the moment. I was still wearing in 2002 (BT - before twins).