Tonight, K (2 and 1/3) ate broccoli.
Yea, it is amazing!
Unlike N, (4 and 2/3s), K is NOT a good eater. The vegetables she will eat include:
carrot juice
tomato sauce (on pizza and pasta)
guacamole (a very good one I think)
pretzles with pea flour in them (yea, I'm reaching here)
The fruit she will eat:
apples (about one a month)
fruit smoothies (bananas, strawberries and yogurt blended)
(Sometimes blueberries blended in)
How did I accomplish this extraordinary feat you ask?
I made this rice dish (brown rice, peanut sauce, chicken) and gave her some of the rice and mashed the broccoli beyond recognition. I then fed it to her off of my fork and pretended that I didn't care whether she ate it or not.
Sheer genius huh?
It was only 3 little florets, but that's 3 more florets than she has eaten in the last year I believe.
I am excited!
Genius indeed! That is certainly an accomplishment to be proud of because broccoli is PACKED with nutrition!
I had a meatball scheme I used where carrot, celery and anything I had were cut up in the blender and mixed in, the bread crumbs, meat and egg hid it very successfully in my house.
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