Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Not the first, not the last and certainly not that bad, but I can't stop crying... I feel like a loser!

Today, I called the preschool to find out if it was "pj day." I was told it was. N (4.5) wore her pjs. It wasn't pj day. She was upset. This upset me. I am annoyed. I ACTUALLY CALLED and was told it was pj day and I had to leave my child at preschool upset. Now I am wasting my time driving back up to preschool and bringing a change of clothes... 2 changes actually because we were supposed to already have a change of clothes there, but I am a loser mom so I didn't yet (she hasn't had an accident at preschool and I have been too overwhelmed to think about it--Mom's pacemaker, nanny on vacation for a month, my friend leaving and saying goodbye, me doing too much at work...).

Things would be much more clear if Preschool would send home notes and clearly communicate. They sent home a note saying it was "weird and wacky week" and listed that there would be lots of silly activities, but they didn't send the schedule. If they would have just added:
Th: Crazy hair day
F: PJ day

it all would have been simpler.

I feel like a loser Mom, but I am trying. I don't think you get points for "trying" in this game of Motherhood.... I think N is going to be traumatized by this. Arrgh!


Anonymous said...

Don't be so hard on yourself! It's not even your fault. They told you the worng thing over the phone (geez, how pathetic is that??). I'm sure N was fine once she got her regular clothes. I think she's young enough that she wouldn't be too upset about it. Repeat this to yourself: I AM NOT A LOSER!!! I AM A GREAT MOM!!!

Anonymous said...

oops--should be WRONG....see, I'M the LOSER...can't even review my comment before clicking publish!