Saturday, August 12, 2006

Late breaking news...

We interupt this Saturday evening to let you know that T is officially and totally a toddler. Complete with back arching tantrums.

Tonight she decided that she would put on her own PJ shirt. If I tried to help, she screamed. If I got it around her neck she'd pull on it until I worried that she'd hurt herself, so I'd take it off. Then she'd try her darndest to get it over her head. She almost succeeded. She tried for about 10 minutes. It was cute. So determined she was!

Finally, with the help of an Elmo doll, I was able to distract her and have Elmo (me) sing to her while I got the shirt on her. She was a little miffed by not having put the shirt on all by herself, but "La-la-la-la... Elmo's World" is somewhat hypnotic and she soon forgot about the shirt issue.

But tantrums... already? Oh my. She threw one about a week ago, but I forgot what it was about. I'm recording the memory of this one.

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