Saturday, July 29, 2006


Daddy says confidently...

"T is still wearing her jammies."

Then in a less confident voice ..........
"These are jammies right?"


This morning T (11 months) and I went to the grocery store. I was handing her stuff and she was throwing it in the back for me. I handed her a bag of tortilla chips and she started hugging them. I asked if she could give them kisses and she started going Mmmmmm-wah. The people around us were cracking up. She was being especially cute.


I often reach a point in the morning when I feel as if I can't go on. When life is too much. When this happens I KNOW I need coffee. Then I get some and I can face life again.


K (26 months) managed to spill guacamole and a fruit smoothy I made her (yogurt, blueberries, peaches blended) at lunch.


Now we're heading out to look at things for the bathroom... I don't think I told you but the contractor finally started working on our new house! The first floor is all gutted and he's framing the new shower in our bedroom and the new walk-in closet. Someday I'll have to tell you more about that, but who knows when I'll have time.

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