Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Teeth Brushing

Because I am going for the "Best Navel Gazing Blog Ever" award*, I have to record this.

Miss N (4) has always been okay with letting us brush her teeth. She still lets her father or I do it for her which is good since we do a much better job than she does. She'll take a turn herself, but doesn't feel the need to do it all by herself.

Miss K (almost 2) has always been difficult with regards to teeth brushing. She never liked it as a wee one, and as soon as she could she grabbed the toothbrush from us and tried to do it herself. I can sometimes get in there and do a good job on her teeth. I've gotten better at it the last few months, or she's getting more cooperative (or both).

However, Miss T (8.5 months) LOVES getting her teeth brushed. (Caps and bold means real true love.) It cracks me up everytime how much she LOVES it!

*Not really.

1 comment:

Mrs. CP said...

I could write an identical post about A and N - they are the same exact way as you described N and K, respectively! Can't report on D yet since he's all gums, but I'll let you know! :-) We always help A brush her teeth and she doesn't mind a bit. We have a turn and then she gets a turn. N wants to do it all by himself and it's a real struggle to get him to cooperate most nights. We have dental appointmets for A and N on Friday...I don't think N is going to be amused one bit by it.

Oh..and Navel Gazing?