Tuesday, May 09, 2006

So. Tired.

I am absolutely exhausted today. I think it's because I only got one cup of coffee. I drank tea all afternoon, but it just doesn't have the same caffeine kick.

There is so much going on in my life it's kind of ridiculous right now. I did get things accomplished today, but not enough. I have meetings all day tomorrow at work and I'm not looking forward to it. When you have meetings you can't actually get any real work done.

My little girls were all extremely exhausted tonight too. I was a little worried that K might have a screaming-to-the-point-of-throwing-up episode, but fortunately since she is is so excited for her birthday you can distract her from screaming by talking about her birthday.

When you ask her how old she will be she holds up her two index fingers and says 2! Sometimes she says, "I'll be tunes soon." I've been trying to get prepared for her party on Saturday, but I didn't have any time today. I have a post started about what I'm planning but I'm too tired to finish it. Sorry I'm so lame... Must. go. sleep.

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