Tuesday, April 11, 2006

ummmm... Gum?

So, this is kind of an odd one... But it really needs to be recorded for posterity...

About 5 years ago we (my husband and I, and no kids cause we didn't yet have them) were visiting my parents. We were on a little car trip with them to go visit some other people. My Mom offered us some gum. We both turned her down. Her response as we said no thank you was, "Oh, don't you like gum?"

Ummm... No.... We said no thank you to one offer and you decide we don't like gum? We tried to explain that we like gum but we just didn't want any at that moment, but it was futile... Okay, whatever... My husband and I laughed about this exchange and we still discuss it occasionally because it was so random....

Fast forward to yesterday...

I'm talking to my Mom on the phone. She asks, "Are you eating something?" I answer, "Oh, I'm sorry, I am chewing some gum. I guess I was being too loud. Let me get rid of it." She replies shocked, "What, you're doing chewing gum??? You NEVER chew gum."

I thought back to that day 5 years ago... I didn't even know what to say. I said, "Yes, I chew gum sometimes." She replied, "No, you don't. Why are you chewing gum?"

Me: Stunned unsure of what to say...

Her: "Why are you chewing gum?"

Me: "I chew gum sometimes."

Her: "No you don't. You never take my gum."

Me: "Ummmm, well, I just didn't want gum when you offered it, but I don't dislike gum."

Her: "No you don't like gum. You always turn me down when I offer you gum"

Me: "I do like gum sometimes, I just didn't want it when you offered it."

Her: "No, you don't like gum."

Somehow we finally moved on and discussed other things, but I swear our gum exchange went on for about 5 minutes. I just don't understand this gum thing. Do you? Is it just me, or was this random?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That exchange totally could have come from "Seinfeld", "Everybody Loves Raymond" or even "Friends". How funny!