Saturday, April 08, 2006

Quieting down... If you can call it that.

The company left this morning. At 7:30 am. My husband and I didn't get up to see them off. We said our goodbyes last night. We may be seeing them again in June if we feel up to traveling in June after a big trip in May. We will see. Neither he nor I like to travel so we often don't. We want to see our loved ones who live far away, but we really don't like to travel.

So it's quieter here, by a little. In the midst of all the craziness of the last week, I forgot that we (K 23 months and I) have a birthday party to attend this afternoon. I also forgot that I had enrolled her in a little gym class that started today. I remembered last night. I call the last minute remembering, "Just in time remembering." I have a "Just in time brain." (This is sort of a computer science joke.)

Anyway, K and I went to the class at 11. While we were playing I suddenly remembered the party at 2. Yikes. So after class, she and I ran to the store to get a birthday present. We also got her a BIG purple bouncy ball. She loves balls. This one is big enough for her to sit on and bounce. Which she did. In the back of the cart. The entire time in the store after we found it.

Pretty cute. She is pretty amazingly coordinated and cat-like. I put the purple bouncy ball in the back of the cart. She was in the front in the little cart-seat. She wasn't buckled in because the cart we had didn't have a good buckle. Anyway, I bent down to pick up the birthday present we decided to get, and by the time I stood up, she was in the back of the cart bouncing on the ball. I guess she stood up and climbed back there in the 5 seconds when I was looking away. OH MY! What's a Mom to do? I probably should have gotten another cart and buckled her 'cause that would have slowed her down a little. But I didn't. Note to self, make sure the cart has a buckle that works so I can buckle K. I took a second to thank her lucky stars that she hadn't hurt herself and then let her sit on the purple ball and bounce.


The family dinner last night went well. If you like eggplant, let me know and I'll post the recipe for the most delicious eggplant dish ever. It's my dad's recipe. During dinner we let the two older girls (N, 4 and K 23 months) run around like little wild animals and play while we ate since it was late (8:30) and they'd already eaten. It was chaotic, but they had fun.


Oh, did I tell you K's new phrase? When she doesn't like something she says, "No like it. Ever." I laugh every time she says it.

Did I tell you that I think T's learning to wave? Tonight I swear she flapped her arms and said, "hi." Of course, I could swear she's been saying "hi" since she was 3 or 4 months old though too. The big sisters say "hi" all the time to her so she has heard it enough times to understand it!

I can't believe my baby is so big. Miss N (4) "made" Halloween costumes today. She draws and cuts and pastes and she made T a "Super T__" costume. It's got a little cape and everything. I just realized that by Halloween she'll be running around. I won't have a baby any more. Already she's so big. It just goes too quickly.

Did I tell you I have about 7 loads of laundry to do?

Did I tell you I asked K what letter her name started with and she said, "Kuh, Kuh, K is for K____." She's a smart cookie that one! Not even two!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a good visit. I've never had eggplant, so I may be brave and ask for the recipe. Do the kids eat it?

Anonymous said...

Sounds crazy! I'll take the eggplant dish if you can bear to post it. I like the JIT brain (that's a manufacturing joke, too). Lily says "No thank you." Actually, she lays on the floor and screams it. NO THANK YOU! NO THANK YOU!