Saturday, April 15, 2006

New accomplishments

Miss N (4) has learned to spell and write her name! All the letters. Her name is kind of long... I am proud of her. She is 4 years 3 months. She still has 1.5 years until she goes to Kindergarten. She will be soooo ready.

The other thing N has learned how to do is to jump in the air and spin. She can almost do a full 360. I'm not sure if she's learning this in gymastics or if she just decided to start doing it. I asked if they did it in gymnastics and she said no. (I had to miss gymnastics last week 'cause I had a big meeting Tuesday afternoon.)

T's new accomplishment is that she is learning how to wave. If you ask her to wave she will sometimes do a slight movement of her fingers. It is subtle but distinct enough so that you can see that she is thinking about it. If you wave at her and say wave she will move her fingers. If you ask her to give you a kiss she'll sometimes lunge at you with an open mouth. If you lean in and kiss her and say kiss she'll usually open mouth kiss you back. I love it when you can see language and understanding beginnng to emerge.

K (23 months) is talking more and more and the sentences are getting longer. Tonight she said, "I want guacamole and chips Mommy." She also has been showing that she has a memory for events that happened quite a bit in the past. The other day I told her that a friend of ours was coming to visit. She said, "Yay! Chocolate." I thought and thought as to why she would say that. Then I realized, that the last time she had seen him, he had brought chocolate. Wow.

All my little girls are growing up.

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