Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Got video

We went to N's spring preschool program today. I was 3 minutes late and missed several songs. I was BUMMED. I had the video camera with me and so we also missed videoing those, but we did get the rest of it. I should have given the video camera to my husband. He's more responsible and on-time than me. The show was cute, but I didn't cry this time. She looked so cute in her little white t-shirt, jean capris and a lei. They did summer and beach songs.

After their program everyone always takes the kids home and so preschool doesn't really happen. (They started their program 1/2 hour after drop off. It always seems like a bit of a scam to me to do it this way, but they always say, "You can leave your child for the rest of the day if you like." But since no one else ever does you will be a LOSER parent if you do. (They don't say that last part, but you know they think that.))

I had a meeting at the office at 2 and so I I took N with me. I had downloaded two Dora videos to my video iPod for her to watch. She watched them and was great during the meeting. I was very proud of her for this. (This almost made me cry!) She's only 4 and she made it through a meeting that lasted an hour and 15 minutes. She also played on the Bob the Builder web site.

She is great!

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