Thursday, April 06, 2006


Yup, that's me... Busy as a bee... Buzz buzz. (Was that a bee sound or the caffeine talking?)

We have company, so K (22 months), N (4) and T (7.5 months) get to spend some time hanging with relatives. I am excited. When you don't live near any family members it can be sad. I have a conference for work (next week), and a lot of work to do. It's a fun week this week and next week, but most likely not a lot of time for blogging.

We got a new huge contract at work that I'm really excited about. It will help me with my new area of research. I am thrilled!

What else... We're doing some work on the first floor of our new house ourselves and are trying to make a decision about the remodeling firm. They came back with some new budget estimates given a smaller scope of work. The new estimates are still exorbitant, but at least in the budget we set. We're set to talk with another smaller one-man shop soon (who gets fantastic reviews and has done a lot of work for our realtor) and is supposedly significantly cheaper. Then we'll make a decision.

What else... T has another tooth... That's #7 for those of you keeping track. Third tooth on the bottom... (left side).

Oh... The big exciting news.... T slept in her crib. All night. All by herself. No waking from 11-ish until 8-ish. That was a couple of nights ago. Last night she went to sleep around midnight and slept in her crib until 3-ish and then slept with me until 6:30-ish and then in her crib again until 9:30-ish. I think last week she was teething when she wasn't sleeping.

Okay... I will stop this boring post now before I fall asleep! More soon! Exciting entries coming I promise! (Did I make this one seem more exciting with all the ! at the end?)

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