Tuesday, March 07, 2006

T's ears

After a rough night where T cried like she was in pain, I was a little worried that she had another ear infection. I called and got an ear check with a doctor today. I'm happy to report that T's ear infection is cleared up*, though there is some fluid still hanging around from that cold. I'm not surprised that there is still fluid in her ears because my ears still have some fluid from that cold. It's weird though, 'cause my left ear is still stuffy and my right ear is pretty clear feeling and that's what the doctor said T's ears looked like too.

Hmmmm... a cold that causes fluid build up in the left ear and not right? Pretty amazingly smart and specific critters those little viruses are, eh?

*I only did a 5 day course of antibiotics rather than the 10 day course the doctor prescribed so that's one of the reasons I was so worried. Before deciding on a 5 day course, I discussed it with T's doctor and she recommended the 10 day course, but because T got "the runs" from the antibiotic, I decided a 5 day course made more sense and let the doctor know. In many ways, I wish we wouldn't have done antibiotics for either K or T, but that's just me. (See http://www.drgreene.com/21_1771.html for more information.)

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